

Organization set up in 1992 and member of Emmaus International since 2004.

Since it was set up, Florence Home Foundation (FHF) has been defending children and women’s rights in poor and rural areas. The group has two centres which accommodate, free of charge, 30 girls and 25 boys who have been abandoned by their families. Located near schools these centres enable children to attend classes and avoid academic failure.

To finance them, FHF set up an organic farm in 2000 and sells its products on its local markets. The aim, in the long-term is to reach sustainability. As part of its activities in defence of the environment, the group also produces cups and plates made of palm leaf. The group is also involved in ecotourism as it welcomes travellers on its farm.

The group also grants microcredit to widows, single and poor women in the surrounding areas, helping to ensure their self-sufficiency.

Group's social media

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