

The Emmaus Ferrara community was born in 1993 with the support of other Italian Emmaus groups. Today, the Emmaus Ferrara community owns two buildings: one for male companions and the workshops, and one for female companions and the second-hand shop. The community’s 20 companions, supported by 10 volunteers, do traditional Emmaus community work: collecting, sorting, repairing and reselling used goods at low prices.

They also collect second-hand clothing from collection points provided by the city council. In the second-hand shop, which is 200m2, fair trade products are also sold. As for other areas of activity, the Emmaus Ferrara community is very active in the area of ethical finance: in collaboration with a local citizens' association, it organizes weekly meetings and debates on this issue. Finally, the group is also committed to protecting the environment (tending an organic garden, using solar panels, buying organic products from local producers, etc.).