The founding texts are the common set of values, guiding principles and practices of our movement, the framework for the work of the Emmaus groups worldwide. They were adopted during the world assemblies that are organised every four years.

Read the Emmaus movement’s founding texts

Since the Universal Manifesto, adopted in 1969, Emmaus’ five founding texts have been testament to the movement’s resolve to unite around universally shared values and concerns. This universality is its uniqueness and its strength.   

They also reflect the development of issues encountered by the movement, at all times working towards a common goal: to support the most excluded to live a dignified life, regardless of their background.  

On a daily basis, these founding texts must inspire and redefine the actions, solidarity and advocacy efforts of all the Emmaus groups.  

Taken as a whole, these five founding texts build on one another, revealing how the movement’s thinking has evolved over time. They reflect how it has changed from one World Assembly to the next, responding to new societal and environmental challenges. These texts form a basis which every member organisation should use to set its aims and objectives, guide its action and inspire its daily life.