The Organisation for Universal Citizenship (OUC) was created in 2013 by several civil society organisations.

Today it includes the Danielle Mitterrand Foundation, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, the Utopia Movement, Espacio Sin Fronteras, and Emmaus International. Since its creation, it has sought to promote the global freedom of movement and settlement of people, along with advocating for new migration policies. Since 2015, it has been committed to calling for a new form of migration governance at a global level, which takes into account the voices, expertise and demands of those most affected: people in exile, civil society organisations and local authorities. Therefore, it has undertaken a study to identify alternative practices implemented by cities and local authorities in France and around the world.

For this reason, the OUC participated in the launch of the Migration Alliance in 2019. This project aims to build a working alliance between welcoming local authorities and civil society organisations. From the local level and with a global perspective, it promotes a different way of managing migration that includes the voices and expertise of local authorities and civil society organisations, and implements migration policies that guarantee an unconditional and dignified welcome and respect for the fundamental rights of exiled persons.

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Site de l’OCU Site de l’Alliance migrations Actes de la rencontre Alliance migrations de 2019 Municipalités solidaires Des municipalités qui agissent Compétences et responsabilités des villes Changer de cap sur les migrations Texte fondateur de l’Alliance migrations